Our Istanbul-based company offers you; It promises speed, quality and trust.
Maritime never forgives compromising on quality. Quality and Long-lasting products save lives.
Trust requires experience and reference first. Our biggest reference is our satisfied customer portfolio.
Our company, located in Istanbul, provides the opportunity to supply at maximum speed from a single point with its wide supply network.
Controlling fire fighting equipment, completing the missing ones and testing and certification according to international rules…
DSS Maritime checks, tests, surveys and repairs life-saving equipment. On the other hand, these equipments make up for the missing ones.
The davits, cranes and ladders, which are required to be tested for overload, are tested at regular intervals. Overload tests of water weight bags and mentioned equipment are carried out by DSS Maritime.
Crane and Cargo Gears are checked by DSS Maritime with weight testing. In addition, spare parts support, repair and production processes of these systems are also carried out.
The calibration of gas detectors and the calibration of gauges, displays and devices that need calibration on board are performed by DSS Maritime and certified.
Life rafts should be checked and tested periodically so that they can serve their purpose without any problems when needed.
Periodic analyzes of fresh water and fresh water cisterns and fire extinguishing foams are also carried out in the laboratory of DSS Maritime.
The tonnage and navigational zones of the ships determine the radio and navigation devices they should have. DSS Maritime conducts radio surveys, completes and certifies according to this requirement.
You can easily find all the supply products you are looking for by entering the IMPA number.